Winning the Gascoyne by Rhonda McDonald
Anecdotal history of the upper Gascoyne region in the north-west of Western Australia from the opening up of the area in the 1870s, to the present.
The book devotes a chapter to each of the 27 stations in the Gascoyne. The author lives at Mangaroon Station, north-east of Carnarvon. Includes a map, photographs and lists of references.
The history of the Upper Gascoyne stations and area.
Settled by pastoralists who took up large tracts of land, several exceeding a million acres, the Gascoyne went on to produce some of the largest and best wool clips in Western Australia.
Wool was in great demand worldwide, and brought wealth to the men who produced it with prices in the 1950s reaching the magical figure of "a pound of wool for an Australian pound"