Where Fortunes Lay by A J Macgeorge

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Where Fortunes Lay by A J Macgeorge

Where Fortunes Lay is the personal, first hand story of an adventurous young mans search for fortune in the vast dry interior of Australia in the 1890s.

Alick Macgeorge, an Adelaide mining engineer who was one of the first to take up the challenge of the gold rush to what became Kalgoorlie, wrote his story in the 1940s. He died in Melbourne in 1953 at the age of 83, with the unpublished manuscript among his papers.

His youngest, Michael, has brought the story to life. He also traced the stories of some of those with whom his father was associated. They are stories that run the gamut of human experience - from high success and wild spending to grim reality and financial collapse.

Sam Pearce recalls his leading role in the discovery of the fabulous riches of the Golden Mile and Dorrie Doolittle expresses herself in verse.