8inch Bare Bones Sluice

Regular price $217.00

Tax included.

This is Bare Bones 8 inch wide river sluice. Being only 8 inches wide makes this sluice a great option if locations you want to work in have little water flow.

The Bare bones sluice boxes are made from one solid piece of 2mm laser cut aluminium making for an economical and light option.

Unlike our Modular sluices which entail complex bends, CNC milling and tig welding.

These sluices all come standard with vortex dream mat ® and a mat mounting clamp with 316 stainless bolt and wing nut fixtures. As with the other GOLD RAT sluices these can also be purchased as naked sluices in our naked sluice range.

* Phone order best option to have mailed within Australia. 

8 Bare Bones Sluice Specifications

Dimensions - 1180mm long -  8 inch(203.3mm) wide 

Weight -   4.9Kgs

Required water flow - Minimum 3000 GPH

8 inch Bare Bones Sluice (non removable flair). dream mat to suit, clamp & bolt