DON'T LOOK for 'clean', 'healthy' Quartz-Veining.
DO LOOK for quartz veins that are BROKEN !!!!,.... I'll describe in detail all about this in a moment. The important word that you need to know is 'BRECCIATED' !
GOLD RARELY 'arrives' in quartz veins that are thick, SOLID and ,.... well,... 'nice-looking'.
Gold will almost ONLY 'hitch a ride' in quartz veins with his 'ugly mates' that oxidize to create the IRON-OXIDE minerals,... yes, the brown, grey & black coloured minerals.....
+ YOU'LL SEE an important looking mineral in the attached PHOTOS that has a 'gun-metal GREY' colour. I'll describe more later.... BUT,.... MORE IMPORTANTLY,...
DON'T just LOOK FOR the quartz on the ground that is bright WHITE (refer to previous post).
BRECCIATED QUARTZ-VEINING,....a geology term that means the original "boring" WHITE quartz veins that were injected into rocks within faults and perfectly happy being "useless" quartz that is bright white ..... and has NO gold,... it's THESE original quartz veins that are then SMASHED UP from being RE-FAULTED.
However, MORE quartz & iron-rich fluids then get RE-INJECTED into this same fault to GLUE all the broken-up pieces of white quartz back together. This basically looks like pieces of broken-up quartz that have fractures all through the pieces and are all randomly scattered within a iron-rich glue.
BRECCIATED QUARTZ-VEINING are not always obvious unless you break open the quartz vein,... so good habbit to bring along an Estwing hammer to check 'wierd' looking quartz.
The ABSOLUTE VAST MAJORITY of GOLD rich quartz veins that I have seen THROUGHOUT Western Australia have almost ALL their GOLD in the IRON rich parts of brecciated quartz veins.
This is a good thing because quartz almost never decomposes compared to the iron-rich portions of the vein that RUST away VERY quick. The gold in these rusted veins then FALLS OUT into the dirt,.... and ready to be found with your metal detector.
GUN-METAL GREY iron-oxides,.... YES, you DEFINITELY WANT TO LOOK for them !!!! 😉
You will see plenty of the 'brown coloured' iron-oxides in quartz veins, many that have no gold, HOWEVER, when the oxide minerals show this 'staining' from MANGANESE-OXIDES that causes a "GUN-METAL GREY" colour your chances of gold are now LOOKING GOOD.
This is a good 'general-rule' for quartz veins throughout Western Australia and in MOST GOLD REGIONS AROUND THE WORLD!!
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CRACKING THE PROSPECTING CODE - see the website for more detail.
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