News & Reviews
Posted by Reeds Prospecting on
YES, if a geology map indicates a location of old copper workings there is a VERY HIGH chance for GOLD!!!!.GOLD Bearing Quartz Veins - What do these look like?
Posted by Reeds Prospecting on
GOLD QUARTZ-VEINING, ... What to 'LOOK' for ! MANGANESE-OXIDE minerals (Steel-Grey Colour) associated with the Iron-oxide 'dirty' Quartz-Veining. YES, this is a VERY good 'appearance / association' that MANY gold-bearing quartz veins have. YES, sometimes there is MORE Mn-Oxide & Fe-Oxide minerals than actual Quartz in the vein. This is because MANY gold bearing quartz veins have had a 2nd generation of fluids re-introduced into them that are often rich in all the Iron-oxide and associated minerals that Gold loves..... so don't JUST look for quartz veins.... the 'Ugly' (sexy) Quartz-Veining is often the BEST !!! BRECCIATED Quartz-Veining (veins that...
GOLD WITHOUT QUARTZ - is this possible, uncommon or common
Posted by Reeds Prospecting on
GOLD WITHOUT QUARTZ - is this possible, uncommon or common
YES to all, but depending on the geology.
Posted by Reeds Prospecting on
GOLD QUARTZ-VEINING!!!! SMASHED up quartz Veining is called "BRECCIATED" (brett-chi-ate-ed). Basically means this quartz vein was ORIGINALLY a normal looking, white, boring, quartz vein, then it was RE-WORKED !!!,..... SMASHED UP & RE-CEMENTED with new fluids that were Iron-RICH. These 2nd generation of fluids usually bring the GOLD into the quartz vein, transforming it into a Brecciated-Gold-Bearing-Quartz-Vein Can you see the area i have highlighted with yellow lines showing a small 'sheared' zone within the Brecciated vein ?? This is a good example of how the original quartz Vein has been faulted a 2nd time, making these new areas of...
Tourmaline, does it indicate that Gold Veins are present
Posted by Reeds Prospecting on
STEAMBOAT TOURMALINE: At nearly 1 foot tall, this is an amazing example of how the colours of minerals will change as the mineral crystallized. The different colours form as the mineralogy changed as the fluid crystalizes. This happens as some elements will preferentially crystallize first, leaving the crystal fluid richer in the remaining elements, that cause the tourmaline to have different 'layers' of colours. Tourmaline is usually black in colour & common throughout the W.A. GOLDFIELDS, mostly associated with Quartz Veining. This will often look like black veining within the quartz that will generally make that part of the quartz...