WHITE BUCKY QUARTZ,..... Nope, no gold

YES, Quartz-Veining is HOW gold gets INTO rocks.
NO,.... all Quartz-Veining does NOT have gold as 99.99% of quartz veins that you will come across with be JUST QUARTZ !
Question: Are these pictures of quartz veins blow associated with rich gold veins?,..... the answer is at the end of this post....

YES, we do like to see some quartz on the ground when we find a new gold area from our research, however this is usually from the quartz Veining that has NO gold that will be associated with the GOLD BEARING Quartz-Veining.
This is because the MAJORITY of gold rich Quartz-Veining is usually also rich in IRON-OXIDE minerals.
These quickly 'RUST' and 'decompose' very fast compaired to the quartz in the all the other veins.

MANY big BUCKY quartz veins were usually formed MILLIONS of years before the gold 'arrived on the scene'
, but these 'empty' quartz veins have 'paved the way' for MORE fluids to flow into the SAME Veining.

BRECCIATED Quartz-Veining is an IMPORTANT term for YOU.
This means that this original quartz vein was RE-FAULTED and broken-up so that MORE IRON rich fluids were able to be 'injected' into this original BUCKY quartz vein.
These BRECCIATED QUARTZ-VEINS basically look like a quartz vein that has been SMASHED up, broken into many pieces and RE-CEMENRED by these iron-oxide rich fluids.
The MAJORITY of gold is usually WITHIN the iron-oxide portions of the Veining.
SO,.... these photos of bucky quartz veins ARE associated with GOLD,.... BUT these parts of the Veining have NOT been BRECCIATED which is why this part of the Veining is still HARD and has NOT weathered (decomposed) into smaller pieces.... so NO GOLD.
ALL the GOLD in this area is in the areas that DOES NOT have the quartz veins sticking out of the ground.
WHY?,.... because the parts of the Veining that has the gold was also rich in IRON-OXIDE minerals and these areas have rusted, broken up and scattered over the ground,.... leaving some nice NUGGETS in the dirt for YOU

FUTURE PHOTOS of a GOLD BEARING BRECCIATED QUARTZ-VEINING that I use in our prospecting training courses are coming. These show EXCELLENT examples during the course,... I'll post some photos in our Facebook Page of what a gold-bearing BRECCIATED Quartz-Vein looks like. These are from samples that I use in our CRACKING THE PROSPECTING CODE training course.